01 02 03 Fabric of My Life: I am back! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

I am back!

Hey everyone,

Got a bit sidetracked here and neglected my poor blog... Yet again. :(
To be honest, not much quilting or sewing has been going on lately... With sewing room switch, some machine trouble and life in general... So not much to share (boo hoo...) but I decided to jut pop-in for a little bit anyway! 
Speaking of sewing room, not complete but making progress - at least it is usable now and I just want to sew, quilt, cut, play...
The shelves for all the fabric came from my local, favorite quilt shop that recently closed... Yeah, that was a bit of a heartbreak (story later) but I am so glad to have this little piece of history and memory with me... Great shelves too! :) 

And then the big fabric move has begun... Oh boy.

That was a start... But it will be all worth it in the end of course!! :) And yes - I am purging some too! Want some?? 

But I actually did get to sew just a little bit!! I had to finish my Modern Quilting Round Robin for this round so here is what I did: 
- we are Improv Piecing group and this is what I got in the mail this time:

Cool huh?
On the left there is a piece of fabric that, after some pondering, I thought I will use. To me, at this stage this piece needed an "eye resting point"... Don't you think? 
So here is what I did:

Some curve cut-sew-and slash first.
Some more of that cool fabric on the bottom:

And just a pop of color at the end:

What do you think? 

I am really enjoying this MQ Round Robin - specially because we decided to do mostly improvisational piecing! That is somethin I always admire but didn't do much myself - so here is a chance to stretch myself!!
Do you like to do this - join some fun group/project to force you to "step out of the box"?
I really love doing that. Of course, can't wait to see how my quilt will look like at the end!

Off to start sewing, quilting or cutting something!! Hope to have some more to share very soon,
have a wonderful Thursday everyone!


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