01 02 03 Fabric of My Life: Nature's beauties and giveaway winners 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Nature's beauties and giveaway winners

Hi everyone,

first - sorry to be late and not post the giveaway winners yesterday! :(
This blog post was half-written last night before I just fell asleep - together with the laptop on my lap! Sheeesh....
Figured it was better not to stumble through it half-asleep, so here I am on this beautiful sunny (but cold) Tuesday morning - hope yours is great too!

So the random number generator was at work again and it said:

1. First winner is comment - number 1!!!
Congratulations!! Hey Marjorie - you said you hate being first but it was lucky this time!
And the second winner is - comment number 9!!
Congratulations Karen O!!

Both of you ladies have a choice of ANY of the two patterns and also a choice of having it sent as a paper pattern or as an E-pattern (instant download on your computer) - just let me know which one you want!
Thank you again to ALL of you leaving me such lovely comments, I appreciate it very much!

Now that was fun! However, fun will not end there - I spy, I spy....another Blog Hop Party with giveaways coming real soon!! - yes Michelle from the Quilter's Gallery is doing it again, so stay tuned! :)

I have to share with you my lovely Sunday outing. My husband and I both love plants and our recent mild passion is orchids. Fortunately for us, here in Buffalo we have a real gem - Buffalo Botanical Garden, that has an Orchid Show every winter. So we went this passed Sunday and...oh my! Is it enough if I say that I took over 480 photos? I DID!! Crazy, I know....but I simply couldn't resist.
Just look at this:

Or some of these:

Or the really tiny and unusual ones:

But what is really great is that Botanical Garden has so much more nature's beauty to share:
Koi pond!

Spectacular bonsai collection

Spectacular waterfall !

Oh and there is so much more...I might have to post few at the time! :)

And just one more thing I have to share with you - found another great site, where you can so easily translate your favorite photos into a palette of colors! Palette Builder lets you do it with just one click! Look at some of mine:

How amazing is that?! I can see some great quilt colors here...:)

Have a great Tuesday everyone,

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