My blog pages

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Time to celebrate! Blog Hop winner and few more things

Good Tuesday everyone!

Oh and it IS such a good one too!! Before making it even better for one lucky winner, I fist have to say how thrilled I am with all your great comments, with so many new followers of my blog and Facebook page - I am truly humbled and happy to share my creative wanderings with all of you - THANK YOU!!

And without further delay, the magical Random Number Generator says:
 BLOG COMMENT #127!!! And that is:

PJ !!!!!!!!!!!!  

I've not seen that book either. Looks like fun.

Congratulations PJ - I will be emailing you for your address and book will be coming to your sewing room shortly!

To all the rest of you who visited my blog during this fun event - huge THANK YOU and please come again - there will be more fun, inspiration, tutorials, giveaways and just chatting, I promise!

I know I promised to share with you my creative adventures from Susan's Accent on Angles
and I deifnitely will - only I was hoping to have more done by know how that goes! :) First, I had a hard time choosing a project to start - so many inspirations and so many good ones in the book! Just look at the back of the book:
What I love in this book is that you can make all kinds of quilts - bed size, wall hangings, very scrappy, with limited colors...Dragon Bones quilt is definitely on top of my list, and I have some yummy, yummy Cherrywood Fabrics for that:
(sorry about the orientation - this one just wouldn't cooperate, no matter what I did! But you can see the quilt!)
However, I decided to start small first! So framing a lovely panel with some of these blocks is what I will do first! Susan has one like that in her book:

I pulled out one of the most recent lovely panels I couldn't resist at my local quilt shop (and some fabrics that go with it of course) - it is Robert Kaufman's Imperial Collection-Hyacinth Colorstory :

I spent some time late last night cutting all the strips, playing with picking what strips/colors will go into strip sets - that was such fun! I was that close to sitting and sewing till the wee hours of the night, but reason prevailed this time and I went to that I can get up and go to work! :)

So - here I am, late lunch break over and off to continue work! Will be sewing tonight and will report back - stay tuned!
Congrats to PJ once more, have a wonderful Tuesday (and first day of school for many!),



  1. WhooHoo! Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. Congrats PJ - lucky girl!!! Marija, I love that Dragon Bones quilt - must look in my local shop for the book.
