My blog pages

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New year, new plans and dreams, new celebrations


OK the "new" of the year is slowly fading since we are 8 days into it, but I figured you were bombarded with so many New Year well-wishes in first few days, I should wait a few days...hey, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;)
Seriously now - I have been pondering about this, first-of-the-year blog post for a while now - to review the old 2012, to have a new tutorial, to just ramble a get the picture. And likely I would do that for a while more but I just got an email that made my day - look who made it into 100 Best Quilt Patterns for Free (of 2012) over at FaveQuilts
In case you lived under the rock so far and don't know about (he, he) - it is a really, really great site where you can find all kinds of great tutorials and patterns, all free!! If you subscribe to their email updates all that goodness will come straight to your Inbox and you will not miss any of it - can a quilter ask for anything more? :)
I started this blog mostly out of desire to share my ideas and experiences, so this comes as a great validation and boost - specially since this selection is really based on blog visits. Here is a quote from lovely Jessica Nichols, the Editor:
"This list is made up of the FaveQuilts projects that received the most traffic in 2012, so you can be sure that these projects are true reader-favorites."
YAY!!  I am so proud and I thank YOU all who visit my blog!
Oh, I should mention that featured project  was this Snowman Attic Windows and if you are the first time visitor to my blog, you can find the tutorial here
OK - back to reality now! :)
I do have new plans and new dream for this New Year! Do you? Do you do Resolutions? Do you keep them? Me - not so much! But I do like the idea of Word of the Year! Pick one word that describes your plans, desires and dreams of this new year, one word that will inspire, nudge or push you to go get it! My Word of the Year - DISCIPLINE.
Yes, I know not a very deep or artistic or philosophical...but just what I need. More about that later. What about you?

So long for now, have a happy Tuesday,

1 comment:

  1. And yet, if as they say, art is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration, discipline becomes very creative. I don't do resolutions either...not sure I can come up with a word...will ponder it.
