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Friday, February 22, 2013

"Stars of the Season" - new quilt pattern (and a giveaway too!)

Hello everyone,

how is your winter going?
Over here in Northeast it is still frozen and snowy, but for us "Buffalonians" not really a big deal. Actually, they say this winter is quite "under-snowed" - we did not get as much as we are used to, ha, ha!
With a risk of so many of you yelling at me and questioning my sanity - I have to say that I do love winter! Anything from beautiful fresh snow falling, walking with my show-loving dogs to even staying tucked-in inside by the fireplace...

Even if you don't want to be outside - isn't this a beautiful sight?

However - if this sweet face begs you to go out and play - you just have to! :)

So we did of course - road-trip!
Well, it is really just to our nearby trail, called Ellicott Creek, but Marley is as happy as he can be - look at that grin:

Fun was had by all - dogs happy to run around and sniff all the new stuff, humans watching them and enjoying too.
Me - camera is also always there, for shots of whatever colors and inspiration Mother Nature may provide...and there is always some!

There might not be bright colors of summer blooms, but there are some beautiful colors  and textures of winter too...

And one can always count on sky to provide some brilliant colors, even in the middle of winter:

How beautiful is this:

But this post is titled "Stars of the Season" - new quilt pattern, so lets get to that now, right? :) OK, I just wanted to say how I LOVE all seasons and they all provide so much inspiration - one just have to look around! (hey that is really where fun is anyway). I even tend to see different seasons, or colors of seasons in fabrics! So when fabulous fabric designer Ro Gregg sent me a preview of her new fabric collection called "Star in Born", bright colors in it were so inspiring! Beautiful stars in main print and four different colorways looked like four seasons to me:

Do you agree?
And here are beautiful accompanying prints - I also sorted them in seasons:

So my inspirations was going something like this...stars...seasons...simple but showy...big squares to show off main, Star is Born collection inspired Stars of the Season - a new pattern!! YAY!
Here are the stars:

What I love about this block? - it is made from ONE SINGLE UNIT!! And it is even easy to make - honest! It is this one:
Can you see it ion the blocks?
So, here is what I came up with:

Make just 4 blocks and combined with this spectacular print - a beautiful quilt!! This is my WINTER season.

Make few more blocks, arrange them a bit differently again with a spectacular focus print - and a SPRING stars born! :)

SUMMER colorway in yet another layout of stars and main print squares...

And finally AUTUMN stars are glowing too...

Hey, you can even make a spectacular looking quilt just by cutting into this great fabric collection and piecing it back together! Quilt bellow is just that - squares of beautiful fabric:
Or the other way:
Intrigued yet? :) 

You can see the entire, beautiful collection of Ro Gregg's fabrics, "Star is Born", for Paintbrush Studios by Fabri-Quilt here on their web site as well as where locally you can buy it, since it is in the stores now!!
You can get my new pattern, Stars of the Season as a paper pattern or an instant download on the web site HERE . Of course, while you are on the site - browse around, there so many amazing, beautiful, creative patterns!!

 I talked a while ago (you can see it here) about playing with another beautiful fabric line by Ro Gregg, called Marblehead and realized I never showed you the finished quilt! Woven Whispers is easy to make, with or without applique and in several different sizes (from wall to bed size!):

I had lots of fun quilting this one too.

And yes, pattern is available again on marvelous web site

You could do this quilt without applique, with dark background and some marvelous bright colors:

Or in gradation of just one color:
Or in more traditional look - just few colors and a focus print:
Lots of fun possibilities! :)
Play with "weaving" some colors or express your seasonal inspirations with different colors - either way your creative Star will be born again! :)

I have to say that apart from enjoying my family - I am the happiest when I play with colors, patterns, fabrics....I am sure you know the feeling!! :)
Now, lets finish this with some fun for all of you! It is giveaway time of course!
Leave me a comment about what inspires you or which one of the patterns/quilts above you like the best and TWO lucky, randomly selected comments will get one of my above patterns! You have a whole weekend, 'till Sunday midnight, to do it - winners announced on Monday!

Thank you again for spending some time with me and please, please share your thoughts and inspirations too in comments - I love to hear them!
Have a wonderful, happy weekend,


  1. Oh I hate being But here I am!!
    I love the one on your sofa with the applique!! They are all wonderful; of course. But that one just pops with those it...just stunning!

  2. Lindo seu post e suas criações,parabéns.Nasci na primavera,mas só uso para minhas inspirações de cores.Onde moro temos as quatro estações muitas vezes em um só dia(menos neve,claro)A minha estação é o OUTONO em toda sua plenitude,as cores são fascinantes.Mas o que a maioria não "vê"é que quando as folhas caem,é para a preparação do solo para o inverno que se aproxima,elas vão adubar e aquecer as raízes durante este tempo...E quando vem a primavera com sua explosão de cores,nos esquecemos do quão importante foi o outono,e não sem sofrimento as árvores sofreram ali...quietas a mercê do frio e vento...Mas voltam a vida plena e cheia de alegrias contagiantes...Acho que falei demais ,desculpe.Bençãos.

    1. I am so excited to have international blog visitors!! Thank you for commenting!
      I have to admit not understanding your comment without Google translate, so for all others who might not, I will copy here what I got. Not every word was translated and probably a bit wrong too(I apologize!) but I loved the main meaning of your comment about the importance of changing seasons and all the hidden "work' that goes on in mother nature - I am biologist by training (and my day job) and I completely understand your feelings - I love to observe those things too! Thank you again!
      Here is the translation:
      Lindo your post and your creations, parabéns.Nasci in spring, but only use for my inspirations cores.Onde we live often the four seasons in one day (less snow, of course) My season is autumn in all its fullness the colors are fascinantes.Mas what most do not "see" is that when the leaves fall, is to prepare the ground for the coming winter, and they will fertilize the roots warm during this time ... and when spring comes with its explosion of colors, we forget how important was the fall, not without suffering the trees suffered there ... quiet at the mercy of the wind and cold ... But back to full life and full of contagious joy. I think I said too much .., desculpe.Bençãos.

  3. Great patterns! I think my favourite is the woven without the applique! so many possibilities!

  4. Great Patterns and love the Woven Whispers with the applique. I am inspired by nature and the amazing color combinations that you find.

  5. I love the colourways you've chosen for "Star is Born", the four different quilts are gorgeous. Congrats on these beautiful quilts!
    And thanks for the chance. Happy Sewing!

  6. I like the fall blocks the best! The oranges and greens are grand together!

  7. Thanks for sharing your patterns. I love the spring colors. I really love the
    Woven Whispers with the applique. Very beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!


  8. I like the Summer version the best. SO pretty!

  9. I love the Woven Whispers pattern! Just lovely.

    I love your winter pictures. It is beautiful with snow here in Minnesota right now also.

  10. Marija, beautiful Star is Born pattern. My favourite colourway would be Autumn, I love the way the greens and yellows just pop against each other. Your pictures of winter with the snow just lovely. I'm envious of anyone who has snow - living in my part of Australia, never see it and the last week or so we have had temps ranging from high 30C to low 40C (98F-102F). A tad hot.

  11. I like the Spring colorways. Thanks for the chance. vickise at gmail dot com
