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Monday, March 18, 2013

Blog Hop winner!

Hi everyone  and happy Monday!

It has been a busy weekend over here and hope yours was wonderful.
Before we do the lucky draw, I just have to say how delighted I am with all your comments! I so enjoyed reading each and every one of your ways to step out of the block, or not - it is just so inspirational! For all of you who do it and challenge yourself every day - bravo! For all of you who don't (yet!) - just try it once, for kicks! :) Of course, the most important thing is that we all enjoy our creative endeavors in any way it makes us happy!

Ok, now here is a bit more happy to go around: Mr. Random Number Generator was at work and it says this:

That means that the winner of the giveaway is...drrrrrummmmmm-rollllll please....

KIM  !!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Kim!!!

I want to thank everyone once again for participating, for reading my blog and spending your precious time with me!

 Hope to see you here again many times so we can have some fun, chat and share.
Make sure you check out that tutorial in the previous post - it is really easy, even though it looks complicated! I would love to see it if you try it - feel free to email me, post it on my Facebook...

One more thing to share with you - my heart is filled with worry tonight since our precious, young grand-puppy, Romulus is not feeling well and is in a hospital tonight...:( He is only over a year old and has elevated white blood cells and some liver problem...we are waiting for more blood work and I just so, so hope he will fight his way out of it - he is one feisty, spunky little guy! Send some good thoughts his way please and thank you!!
Just look at that sweet face:
Good night,

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