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Friday, March 8, 2013

It's BlogHop time!

It's March!
Time for nature wake-up!

Time for me to get glued to my sewing machine and sew, sew, SEW! (more about that later)
Time for quilters to celebrate - time to play and have a Blog Hop and a giveaway of course! :)

We need to beat those winter blues, have some fun with all wonderful inspirations out in the blogosphere and of course win some great prizes! - Michelle at Quilter's Gallery is hosting the Blog Hop party again so hop on over there to see all participating blogs and...start hopping! :)

Oh but wait! Don't go before seeing what is my giveaway!
I want to inspire you to try somethin new, push some boundaries, challenge yourself...In other words - think outside the BLOCK! So here is my gift to one lucky quilter:

Yes, you know me - loooove books! And this one, "Thinking Outside the Block" by Sandi Cummings, with Karen Flamme, is really a great one!
Here is what's on the back:

And of course, some fabric to start playing with - picked these because they look so "springy" to me!
What do you think?

So, to enter for a chance to win these, just leave me a comment about how, or do you "step out of the block"? Like to experiment? If you do but didn't try so far - what's holding you back?

Want to chat over on Facebook too? Come join me on my Facebook page for  yet another chance to win (leave a separate comment that you did, or that you already are). You have a whole week to do it - giveaway will be open Sunday, March 17th and of course we will have drawings on that following Monday.

Oh, but that's not all yet! Remember this little piece?
To celebrate March as a National Quilting Day month and...just to have some fun, let's do a tutorial on how to make it!  Stay tuned during this Blog Hop week and let the fun begin!

Happy hopping and many inspirations,


  1. Wow!! Love the block ...can't wait for the tutorial.
    Great giveaway too; I have been stepping outside the block lately with FMQ which is fairly new to me. I am a hand quilter.. Having fun with it.

  2. Quero aprender este bloco,agradeço sua delicadeza.Um bloco que me chama e me traumatiza é o tradicional abacaxi,minha tia me disse que quando eu fizesse uma colcha com eles eu seria uma profissional do ramo,meu Deus que medo eu tenho...Obrigada por oferta e pela chance.Sou seguidora GFC e sou brasileira.

    1. And here is what Google translate to English says: :)

      I want to learn this block, block delicadeza.Um block calling me and traumatized me is the traditional pineapple, my aunt told me that when I made a quilt with them I would be a professional in the field, my God that I'm afraid ... Thanks for the offer and chance.Sou GFC follower and I am Brazilian.

  3. I have a hard time getting out of the box, I usually have to really follow the pattern but on a second one I can venture some.

  4. I am a beginner so I have a hard time getting out of the bock. Thanks for chance to win.

  5. I just liked you on facebook.

  6. I am just starting to fmq even though I have a quilting machine. It is one of the first ones that gammill came out with and you cant do all the fancy stitching with it.

  7. I'm a pretty much traditional quilter and don't step out of the "block" too much. Thanks for the chance with the giveaway. Love your block

  8. I am so stuck in my block it is sad

  9. The block is awesome! I am new to quilting, so to be honest, I havent even made my first block! I did start going to a Hawaiian Quilting Class where I am learning to make a pillow! I can't wait to start quilting for real! My sewing machine gets here in less than a month, and then I can finally put all the fabric I have been collecting to good use! Thanks for the chance tow in! I am a new follower!

  10. I want to try more modern quilting with lots of negative space, but the vast amount of solids/neutrals needed have held me back. I need to formulate a specific plan and just try it! Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

  11. Hmmm out of the block. I am not sure what it is that I do. I kind of see a quilt I like and try to recreate it with my own dimensions. So far they blocks always turn out!

  12. There's a box? Oh, my thinking is really out there - how fun and what lovely fabrics you have offered.

  13. Right now, I'm staying in the block! I'm too much of a perfectionist. I need to be more adventurous with my quilting. Thanks for the giveaway

  14. I follow your blog by email and I just signed up to follow you on fb as well. Keep those posts headed my way. I'm looking forward to the tutorial this week!

  15. Well, I am following your facebook page now. Will be looking forward to the tutorial on that fabulous block!

  16. I pretty much always "step out of the block." I begin following a pattern or tutorial, but always tend to deviate onto my own path before I'm done...

    My snowdrops are up now, and the jonquils are beginning to bloom...

  17. Stepping out for me is trying to do hand is a learning experience.

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  18. Good question, I'm outside the block in colour, I like bright and clear colours. I also don't really follow a pattern, but reinterpret or rewrite them. I always seem to have to do something to change the original idea. Love the fabric and the book and your pink and green block is beautiful.

  19. What a lovely block and thanks for doing a tutorial on it. I have been doing quilt tops with embroidery and cross stitch in them to make something different. Thanks for the chance to win.

  20. okay I think my previous comment disappeared but do like your page on FB

  21. I currently have an experimental improv quilt top in the making - not too sure about it though. Thanks for the chance to win.

  22. I'm still pretty new to quilting, but I like try new things as I have an idea that I think might work.

  23. I recently acquired the book "Fifteen Minutes of Play" and I feel quite liberated as a result! I love making 'made' fabric with scraps.

  24. Stepping out of the do I ....kicking and screaming but once I do I find that I like it! I now make myself try at least once most of the 'new' techniques I come across!

  25. I try to but hate wasting fabric when it does not look good -- still trying though :)

  26. that block is amazing, love the springy fabrics too

  27. joined you on FB too....join me on FB Tonya's Sewing Room

  28. I've been practising my FMQ - I usually just do straight lines but I want to try something more adventurous!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  29. That is a great block! I'll be signing up as a follower to get that tutorial for sure! :) I usually tend to stick to a regular or traditional pattern, but I do like to create my own quilt patterns. I guess I wouldn't consider myself a very modern quilter though. Perhaps I need to break out of my shell!

  30. I sometimes step outside the block but not if the difficulty level is beyond my ability!!! Thanks for Beating the Winter Blues with some beautiful spring fabric and a lovely book!!

  31. I tend to experiment a lot as I'm not very good at doing what I am supposed to!

  32. What an interesting book, thanks for the chance!
    I always start with an overall design and then go to the block when I make a quilt, so I guess I'm always outside the block.

  33. Last year and again this year I've been participating in the Project Quilting online challenges. It's been a great way to try new things!

  34. I've made a few wacky blocks, but that's as far as I've gotten so far. Thanks for the chance to win.

  35. I like you on Facebook & left a comment. Thanks again.

  36. I do enjoy stepping outside of the box. Sometimes I am happy with it and sometimes not.

  37. I usually follow a pattern, but sometimes I design my own patterns. Currently working on a scenic applique quilt.

  38. I've been trying to step outside the block by trying to be more scrappy and experimenting with improv piecing!

  39. I am taking a class with Mary Lou Weidman-I think that will dump me entirely out of the box which will help me to venture out of the block.

  40. My motto is "Quilt out of your comfort zone!" So I'm always trying something new found out here in blogland. Thanks for the fun!

  41. I do not experiment as much as I would like to...I need to establish some workroom "play time" and see what happens!

  42. I already have this book and am trying to find some time to experiment with it. Can't wait for you tutorial

  43. I try to make experiments but only with scraps (wasting good fabric is holding me back in this case :))
    Thanks so much for this great giveaway!

  44. Depending on my mood, sometimes I quilt in the box, sometimes not. The last finished table runner was in the box, the one before that (a wall hanging) all flowers and not one box.


  46. I guess I am more out of the box. I usually do my own thing.Thank you so much for a great giveaway.

  47. i just make my quilts to fit the person thanks

  48. Depends on what I am making and my mood. I have no problem working 'out side the box'! Thanks for the chance.

  49. Beautiful block, can't wait for the tutorial!

  50. I always stay in the box. I am a perfectionist.

  51. amazing block. thank you for this great chance to win. hugs

  52. ooooo I never step outside the block!!! I follow rigidly to patterns..... perhaps I need this book in my life xxx

  53. I'm a chicken - seem to stay inside the block.
    Love the fabric choices, they do say spring.

  54. I step outside the block by participating in challenges , I love a good challenge.thanks for the chance at your great giveaway and I love that block!

  55. I stepped out this year by joining a round robin group. I'm trying different things with each quilt. It's fun and challenging. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  56. Love the quilt block. I am stepping outside the box with machine quilting. Did my first quilt last week and was very happy with it. Love the give away.

  57. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  58. Love your give-away. I will find wonderful things to do with that book and fabulous fabrics. As for quilting "Outside the block" I often miniature-ize my quilt patterns into a new smaller creation.

  59. I'm a pretty traditional quilter but step out of the box by taking art quilting classes and by creating fabric ATCs and fabric postcards.

  60. I'm a pretty traditional quilter but think outside the block by taking art quilting classes and by creating fabric ATCs and fabric postcards.

  61. My blocks are influenced by traditional blocks, but you wouldn't necessarily know it by looking at them: I extend this, flip that, turn parts around, and switch colors out. soparkaveataoldotcom

  62. I have quilted for 40 years and it is about time that i crawl out of the box!!

  63. I liked you on facebook and love all the quilts in your cover photo

  64. I occasionally stray and do things outside of the box. Thank you for a great giveaway.

  65. I mostly needleturn applique and the only way I stray is my adding my own detail to the applique. Thank you for the chance.

  66. I love to try new things so like doing things outside the block.

    Richard and Tanya Quilts

  67. I played with charm squares until I had a design in my head to make a table runner - only my 2nd quilted item. So maybe I can design pattern... we'll find out. This book looks fabulous! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  68. I already like you on facebook! Thanks for another chance to win! :)

  69. I have liked your facebook page so I can follow you over their

  70. I'm a relativelynew quilter. I am not that comfortable thinking or stepping out of the block yet. Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway.

  71. I love the colors of your give away fabrics and the colors in the block! I just learned how to sew/quilt in October, so I am definitely staying in the block! :)

  72. I dabble in some designing when I am ready to step outside the box. Became a new follower to keep an eye on you!

  73. I am not very adventurous - too set in my ways- I probably need a push to get me outside the box.

  74. Most of my quilts are pretty much like the pattern directs, but I do often make drastic changes to the color/types of fabrics, which changes things up a bit. This is a lovely giveaway, the fabrics are gorgeous!

  75. I have only been quilting for a few years so I am constantly stretching myself. Just this last year I did 2 different applique BoM's until then had only done 1 practice piece.


  76. New follower I can't wait to see your tutorial on the block. Outside of my box. I am doing a quilt using more of a modern print.

  77. I have grown to admire the modern quilts recently. I would love to try something different; perhaps without a pattern. love the block pu are going to tute about.

  78. I like to play in eq7, so that makes you think outside the block sometimes :)

  79. I work outside the box by using almost any type of fabric, and a variety of patterns. I love almost every type of fabric and am willing to try most anything! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  80. Thanks and I'll be back for the tutorial!

  81. I don't step out of the block often. I usually like to follow the directions or instructions. Not very creative by myself :-( Thanks for the great giveaway!

  82. I love stepping out of the block and playing. Wish I had more time to do it. Thanks for a chance at the lovely giveaway. And I am going to follow so I can see your tutorial for that stupendous block.

  83. Can't wait for your tutorial for the block to come. Yes, I like to experiment. It is part of the quilting process. Your book is a good source for quilters to have and to learn. Thank you for taking part in this Blog Hop and giving all of us a chance to win that book and, of course, the fabric that we all want.

    Sandi Timmons

  84. Thanks for the chance to win this generous gift!

  85. I love books!! thanks for the give away!

  86. It's hard to get out of the "block", but I'm trying.

  87. I don't really step outside the box...I hope to soon by trying some free motion machine quilting.

  88. I just liked you on Facebook.

  89. I am a follower and just love those fabrics, that you for the chance to win. I am not working on a Barn Quilt. After that I need to make a spring quilt for my swing.

  90. I like structure and don't often step outside of my comfy box. You can give me a big nudge by my winning this prize, though! LOL Thanks sew much for this chance to win your generous giveaway! :-D
    back2loghome (at) yahoo (dot) com

  91. I'm taking my second chance as one of your many followers. Fingers crossed!!!

  92. I'm a pretty much go by the pattern type of gal. I do not have much of an imagination. Thanks

  93. I am stepping out of the block by using more brights and doing modern quilts.Can't wait to see the tut on teh block!

  94. I think i am still in the block . . . interesting looking book!

  95. Already follow you on facebook!

  96. I always think outside the box and I'm learning new things all the time. Thanks!

  97. I have enjoyed Sandi Cummings book and try to think outside the block by using every scrap of fabric I am given as long as it is larger than 1 1/2". I have sometimes just sew scraps together to make fabric. The hardest part for me was not to worry about matching seams when that is what I worked to do for so long.
    I am looking forward to seeing your tutorial on how to make the quilt you showed.

  98. I just joined a Modern Quilt Guild. I am climbing out of my box slowly!

  99. I've been using more solids in my quilts to create negative space then I can machine quilt it after the top is complete.

  100. Cant wait for nature to warm up either.
    I just joined you on FB

  101. I am a newbie, so I have only been following patterns to the tee so far. But I love to be creative, so its just a matter of time.

  102. What a wonderful block! I am so new to quilting that everything is out of the block for me :)

  103. Using solids has taken me out of my comfort zone ; )

  104. I am a relatively new quilter. When I first started-six years ago-I was more traditional in colors and designs....but a six year hiatus and taking up scrapbooking really opened my eyes to color, design and everything on a much smaller, more inexpensive way! LOL NOw that I have started quilting again-still very much a beginner--I haven't even quilted and bound a quilt yet--I am trying newer colors, patterns, etc.

  105. I can't wait to see that tutorial-your block is awesome! I liked you on FB.

  106. I'm a new follower....
    I'm fairly new to quilting so I haven't experiemented yet.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  107. I Love Your FlowEr Pic. To Grt Out Of My Comfort Zone I Join Swaps And ChalleNges. One Of My Favorite Is Where Every One GetS A Fq Of A Wierd Or Ugly and Makes A Quilt Gr it

  108. I love art quilts and watercolor pictorials so I am always thinking outside the box but I want to do it more & more! I am currently working on a shooting star !

  109. Thanks for your inspiring blog! I step out of the block when I accumulate a big pile of scraps. I can't bear to waste fabric, so the scraps end up in some kind of nontraditional configuration.

  110. Now a acebook fan under needle d !

  111. I have followed you on face book for awhile now. Your block is beautiful- Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely book and fat quarters.
    Regards from Alberta,

  112. I feel like paper piecing helps me step out of the block. I can get such different angles and dimensions than with just squares and triangles! Thanks!

  113. I just "liked" your facebook page

  114. I tend to do block designs, but I like samplers and don't stay with the same size block. Not very far out of the block yet. The book sounds interesting and the fabric selection is lovely.

  115. I am always open to new challenges - moving out of my box! Thus I have an appreciation for all quilting relative techniques! Lovely giveaway!

  116. Lack of sewing time is what holds me back, mostly. Oh well, one day I will have lots of time! The kids are only little once!!

    Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  117. Stepping out of the box is a good thing to do for anyone...especially a quilter! Thanks for the great giveaway. :)

  118. I am already your friend on Facebook.

  119. This is something I would like to try. Thanks for the chance!

  120. im trying to be more adventurous with my quilting, that's definitely stepping outside the block lol

  121. For me out of box would be using the color blue. I DO NOT LIKE THAT COLOR. I just got done piecing a quilt top for someone, and guess what color fabric she bought for me to use??? BLUE I will admit that the top is nice but not something I'd want.
    wrbontrager@ verizon dot net

  122. Gosh Im going to have to follow you to see how to do that delightful block lol and will have my fingers crossed that my name leaps out of the hat for the draw ...........the book and that yummy floral fabric look wonderful!

    What a smashing blog to come visit and wander round!

  123. I am inspired by photos and project ideas in books - - then I get out my graph paper and coloured pencils and make it my own!

    Thank you for the opportunity to enter the drawing - beautiful fabrics!

  124. lately I've been playing with disappearing 4 patch, start with a block and cut it up and reassemeble. I decided to follow because I love the quilt at the top of your blog.

  125. I love the quilt, and will be looking for the tutorial...

  126. My outside the block is whole cloth quilt tops. I just love to have a blank slate and FMQ.

  127. I like to experiment with new things and sometimes try some of my own ideas as well. Thanks for a great giveaway! Have a Happy Day! :)

  128. If i start with a pattern i will follow it pretty closely. Just lately i have finally begun adding my own special touches.,

  129. That looks like a really good book. I'm experimenting with QAYG and assembling a quilt top out of different size squares. Not too difficult, but a challenge for me at my stage. Thanks for the chance!

  130. Great block!! I like ti experiment on smaller projects!

  131. I do my experiments mostly on garment embelishments, with hand embroidery and raw edge finishes.

  132. Hi,yes I step out of the Block all the time. I experiment with different fabrics different shapes I just don't like rules. Great giveaway thanks.

  133. I don't think outside the box yet. I follow the directions, and for me it is always a learning experience that I enjoy. I always enjoy that I am learning something new. I am now learning to sew curves. I tried it on my machine.. it was an utter fail. I am now sewing them by hand, but I am still making that quilt with all the curved seams.

  134. I don't do too much experimenting because I love the 9 patch and dresdens (in scrappy or 2-color). I prefer what I call "old-fashioned" quilts that are scrappy on white backgrounds. The fabrics in your giveaway are so pretty. I love the color combo. Thanks!

  135. Love the pic of the snowdrops! I haven't seen those in 20 years! What a treat! Oh, back on track now.....I stepping out of the box by finally doing applique. I've avoided it for 25+ years of quilting, but, this New Year's resolution was to make a large applique quilt. So far so good....3 blocks made....17 to go. Love this giveaway...thanks!

  136. What a pretty block, can't wait to see the tutorial.

  137. I don't do much 'out of the box' I am a follow the pattern kind of gal. I have been working on some scrappy blocks lately and that is a start, at least for me! Thanks for the chance to win your lovely fabric bundle and book.

  138. Beautiful block!
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. The fabric is gorgeous!
    I follow via GFC.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  139. I think outside the box by always being the one to do the different thing, but I think its normal. People look at me strange though.

  140. Love the block. I'm going outside the box using very bright threads lately. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on a great draw.

  141. By out of the block do you count - I haven't finished my first quilt block ever yet :)
    I am new to sewing and quilting. A friend showed me in a workshop how to start my first block. Since then I have made bags, dolls, soft toy cars, dresses for my daughter & this week my proud self taught achievement Flannel PJ Pants with French Seams. I love to create and to share my creations with the people I love as gifts. Maybe this winter (it is Autumn here in Australia) I will make time to finish the quilt block so I can work inside the block a little.

  142. I love your block! I'm a new quilter, so I haven't done a lot of blocks yet. It is something I want to do in the future. I guess time and money and knowledge is holding me back, but I have a lot of time to learn :)

  143. I already liked you on facebook as karrie smith :)

  144. I have difficulty stepping out of the box -- when I do, it tends to be in my color selections more than in adapting any patterns. Maybe as I become more confident with my quilting I'll be more adventurous?

    Thank you for the nice giveaway!

  145. just beginning to quilt so not too much right now. nice fabric for giveaway thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  146. Awesome giveaway! I step outside the block by trying things that are out of my comfort zone... Good luck with the blog hop!

  147. I love to sew out of the block, I'm always trying to stir things up.

  148. I am following you on face book, the tutorial is great!

  149. I don't tend to step out of the box with my quilting. I am not sure enough of myself yet to not follow the directions.

  150. I step out of the box by doing challenging projects that I'd normally back away from.


  151. I turned a bow tie pattern in to a cool mosaic pattern :)

  152. I usually like to stay within the block, but lately have caught myself thinking "what if" more often. Sometimes it works, sometimes not, but it is always fun to try.

  153. I love doing Mystery's and they are pretty much always out of the box, I too love your block above, Thank You!

  154. I'm toooo new to quilting to "step out of the box" to challenge myself...right now, EVERY thing is a step outside any box for me....but I'm getting better with each step! Yay! :)

  155. I have not done much stepping out of the box as far as quilting goes. I am pretty new to quilting but have tried many new things when sewing other things and I love to be creative with my embroidery. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  156. I don´t "step" out of the blocks. I blame it on my not excisting fantasy :) I envy all who can create all beautiful quilts I see on the net!
    Gun, Sweden

  157. That is a really pretty block at the end of your post. Things I have not tried yet are hand quilting. I really would like to work on that but don't know if I want to take the time.

    ANother thing that I don't usually try are scalloped borders or fancy borders.

  158. I tend not to step outside the box because I'm cautious and afraid of messing up a project. I want to though!

  159. I haven't stepped outside the block yet as I am a beginning quilter. I have a lot of ideas for when I feel more confident with the basics.


  160. I'm a beginner but I think I stepped outside the block when I did an applique block for The Modern Stash Quilting Bee on Flickr. I designed it and did it and I was very proud!

  161. I liked your facebook page.
    Susan in PA

  162. What a generous gift! I find myself drawn to similar quilts blocks, designs, so have tried paper piecing to "get outside the box". I'm not entirely comfortable with it yet, but intend to keep at it for awhile.
    Susan in PA

  163. I so love the modern quilts which seem out of the box to me. I just haven't been able to get myself to start one. Maybe I'm worried I'll ruin the material.

  164. I step outside of the box by thumbing through all of my favourite books and then just mixing a bunch of ideas and techniques together to see what happens.

    Great giveaway! I love those fabrics. I could find a project to use those up in an instant! AND I'd love to read that book.

    Be sure to check out my blog hop giveaway too at and enter the draw.


  165. Oh, and I hopped over to Facebook and I'm following you there too!



  166. Ich bin noch Anfängerin und experimentiere auf allen Gebieten

    Grüße aus Deutschland

  167. Great fabrics, and that sounds like a really interesting new book. I'm trying things outside my comfort zone, patterns and fabrics I wouldn't normally pick for myself. I did some embroidered blocks for fall, and a really wild holiday quilt in neon green.

  168. How do I like to experiment? When I see a pattern on line that I really like I try to draw out on grid paper how it is made. Some times it works and some times I cant figure it out.
    Wow, that is a wonderful giveaway gift. Thanks for being in the blog hop and for the fun. Lovely colors

  169. 2. I went to your facebook page and 'liked' it.

  170. I love the colors in the block you made. To work out of my color zone I buy a kit that is on sale. I also have called the nearby shop & had them pick out some fat quarters for a project for me.

  171. I have not as yet stepped out of the block but would love a little nudge! The book looks great as well as the gorgeous fabric. Thank you for the opportunity to win these.

  172. I am a follower from South Africa on Facebook.

  173. About like following recipes, I tend to go right by the pattern...hard for me to step out of the block. But...if someone helped me visualize it, that would be fun!

  174. this is the reason I like doing samplers because they often challenge me to try things I otherwise wouldn't.

  175. I am just starting to go outside of my comfort zone with Drunkard's Path. I've always loved the unit and the different ways it could be arranged, but I was intimidated by the curves. I jumped right in to make a king for a wedding gift, and with the help of the Curve Master foot it's been a breeze. Next up is tackling odd angles with Storm At Sea. Thank you for the chance to win!

    kmen3035 at hotmail . com

  176. I experiment a lot, especially now when I have a quilt design software on my computer. So I take a basic block and start to modify it...

  177. I am following your Facebook page too!

  178. For me, stepping outside of the block is actually to Use a block!
    Thanks for the chance!

  179. I'm afraid to try very much outside the box. I need to be encouraged!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  180. I think I became a quilter because you can step outside the box. I always have my own way of interpreting each patter. I like your block and will look forward to seeing the tutorial.

  181. No, I haven't stepped out of the block yet but I think it is time to start that process. Maybe this book would help me do that.

  182. Liked you on fb: Nicole Sender.
