My blog pages

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today is the day...(there is a giveway in here, so read on!)

YES! Today is the day to start blogging in a different way!

You heard my whining and my apologies and my..."whatevers" about being MIA from my blog, not posting for a long time...bla, bla...
I thought long and hard about this, and here are few "earth-shattering" (NOT!) conclusions I came up with:
1. I LOVE blogs! Love reading them, love writing one!

2. I do feel ALL the time how I have lots to share, to say, to comment, to teach, to inspire...even? (I hope)

3. So - why am I not doing it?? Many reasons probably, but I think my main reason is - I over-think things. I fret about what to write and if it is worth writing and then life takes over (read: time to write is "eaten" by hose chores or silly things or...). Mostly - I over-think things.

4. What is one to do? Quit? NO, definitely NOT. Why not? Because I really, really like blogging! :)

So, you probably guessed by now, it is time to - Change! :)

Of course that is easier said than done, but I do have some ideas and I also would appreciate your input, of course. Here is what I have in mind:

- I will write blog posts as they come - some short, some longer, some silly, some actually useful...the whole shebang. (is that even a word?) There will be quilts, fabrics, dog-walks, nature photos...
- However - lets not leave everything to chaos! I would love to have some regular features here and that is where I would love your input! Here is what I have in mind so far:

- Beat the Monday blues - color/fabric/idea inspirations - giving a color-scheme, ideas about some fabric group, inspiration from nature or cyber-space, to get you going in the new week

- Tuesday Each-one-teach-one - a short tutorial or a tip about some of the basic quilting/sewing techniques (I teach beginners and other quilting classes for a long time now and love to share many good tips and basic techniques)

- Wednesday WIP (Work In Progress) - this is something going on other blogs too - reporting from my sewing room, what am I working on, etc. - mine would be with occasional tutorial for a whole project, like I did several times before

- Weekend wanderings - anything goes - from quilting tutorials and sewing to traveling logs, cooking, dogs or..who knows! :)

Now, I don't think I will be a super-woman and start ALL of these right away (although ideas are plenty, trust me - time is always my enemy!) but I will do at least one, or two soon - and if you would let me know what you think, what you would love to see or even have a new suggestion, I would be so, so, so grateful!!
Wait, not just grateful - I will have a giveaway too! How is some thread, some fabric and some inspiration (book or magazine), for a reward?

 My favorite thread - Aurifil (loved these colors so much, I have duplicate!), some fall-inspiring fabric (1 yard) and fall issue of The Quilter magazine - all for one lucky winner!

So - leave me your vote on above suggestions, or your own suggestion by the end of this week (Sunday, midnight, EST) and I will draw a winner on Monday, November 4th

Wishing you a wonderful end of October week,
PS - in case you are wondering, photos here are of quilts I made quite some time ago and gave my mom. This summer we went back to Serbia to visit and I took some long over-due photos! Look for "Letters from Motherland" blog posts, I will tell you a lot about our trip. :)


  1. Sounds great. I hope you start with Tuesday Each-one-teach-one. I can use all the tips I can get.

  2. Great ideas!! Weekend wanderings sounds the most fun!!

  3. Yes; I think the Tuesday one would be very nice...thank you

  4. I am thrilled to find this blog and think the work in progress would be inspirational. I have a small quilt shop, have started dying my own fabric, and dream of designing etc like most others who love fabric. And writing is one of my best dreams so blogging fits that too. Glad to have found a group of like blogs.

  5. Love your ideas. I agree that Tuesday tips would be great but your whole attitude of making your blog work for you is very inspiring!

  6. I have always believed in "Each One Teach One" - It was a motto of ours in the workplace and it has continued with me to this day! We can all learn from each other - Quilting is a Journey of the heart and the more we hold in our toolkits of learning and knowledge - the better! It always makes me feel good when someone asks me how I did something,.

  7. Love your quilts! Those sunflowers are awesome! Funny, as I started to read your post I was thinking, she should set up a calendar of days like WIP Wednesday, Fabric Friday (along the lines of what you posted for Mondays) where you do a fabric pull of pieces/colors that go well together and share. However, you had already thought that up. You could also do a "wordless Wednesday" I have seen that on other blogs-where it is all pictures post for inspiration, again could be around a color theme or something inspiring. That way you don't have to worry about the writing, you could just make a collage. Good luck!

  8. I like it! I think you've chosen great ideas and with having a set time of week for each topic we would know what to look for.

  9. Tutorials are my favorites! But your schedule sounds great!

  10. I think we can all use Tuesday tips from beginners to advanced quilters.

  11. My favorite is the Wednesday WIP. Thank you for a nice giveaway. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  12. Like you Marija I love reading blogs and when I get the time write in mine, but, quite often like yourself I either forget, too busy, or think that a particular subject not interesting enough. I like your idea of choosing a subject, even if it is only for one posting a week. I like all your ideas, also Kim's idea of 'Wordless Wednesday'. Whatever you decide I will keep popping in to visit.

  13. Your schedule sounds really good. I like the teach one and tutorials. Thanks for sharing and I will be following your progress.

  14. looks like you have a great plan for the days of the week. These will cover a lot of areas in life.
    I love your table runners. Where can I find the sunflower pattern. My mom would love this one.
    Remember, over thinking can be overcome by having goals and a plan, and sticking to them (always with a little flexiblitiy of course, LOL)

  15. Sounds great.. More blogging is great. You are an inspirational. Roxanne

  16. i like the tuesday suggestion , thank for the giveaway

  17. My preference is Tuesday Each-one-teach-one. Thank you for the giveaway.

  18. I like tutorials or tips on how to do something so I would like Tuesday Each-one-teach-one.

  19. I like beat the Monday blues. Though I am retired and don't have the Monday blues anymore :)

  20. I also vote for the Tuesday Each one teach one. I love learning new techniques and patterns especially from you, you are a true artist. I especially love your iris gradient wall hanging. I am working on a gradient wallhanging right now.

  21. You are a FANTASTIC teacher, so keep on teaching! :-)
