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Monday, November 11, 2013

Beating the Monday blues...

Hi everyone,

hope weather where you are is more bright, but over here in western NY, today we really need some "beating the Monday blues" stuff! It is dark, wet and windy, cold too and yes...snow is on the way...

But hey, one can't change the weather, so just find some good stuff to carry you through! :)
Don't get me wrong - I am really not complaining! I actually love EVERY season, I really do...weird? Maybe, but as long as I can remember towards the end of one season I always felt a bit of eagerness for the next one come...thinking of good things it brings...feeling happy that it is coming. And if you are honest, every season DOES have something good in it - right? :)
OK, OK..before you think I am completely crazy, I am going to try and show you what I liked this fall, what caught my eye (through camera) and what made me smile as I was wondering through my backyard this Saturday morning - hope that will beat your Monday blues as well!
 This smiling face makes me want to walk, no matter the weather...
And off we go down the street
 Greens are still shining with that autumn sun...

 Deep, rich colors...

 The combination of that chartreuse green and deep gray tree bark is just mesmerizing to me...
 Colors almost un-real...

 And then the beauty of nature's cycle - seeds! These are leeks in our vegetable garden...

 Beautiful Clematis seed pods...
 Or just the good old maple leaves...
 Just look at that texture...
 Colors, beautiful colors...
 yet another Clematis...
 Beauty of roses continues into fall...
 A glow...
 and more of it...

 More seeds! This time it is Hostas...
 I really am in love with hostas - lines, curves, colors...

I found another quilter who loves hostas, but she can also make beautiful art inspired by them  - Elaine Quehl - her work is amazing, so go look if you didn't see it before! Also visit her BLOG for even more inspiration and great "behind the scenes of an artist". Elaine inspires me very much!
I might not be able to make amazing art like she does, but all these colors, lines, shades...are so brewing in my head now! :)
How about you - do you get inspired by nature? Do you like taking photos?
Hope I gave you a bit of inspiration to beat the Monday  blues, or approaching winter ones, or...whatever might be pushing down your creativity - fight it and find something beautiful around you! :)
Have a great Monday and stay tuned for tomorrow's "Each-one-teach-one" tutorial (or fresh-up course) about basics of good rotary cutting!



  1. Such stunning photos and what a magnificent dog too!
    Thank you for a walk round your neighbourhood from what at first glance might also look like a dark, dismal area in north east UK!
    I will just clean my glasses and try really looking around me lol
    And dont hostas make you want to quilt something !!!
    Hadnt noticed that before, although my own hostas are always attacked by slugs or snails - despite almost airbourne pots for them, so the battle to keep them uneaten makes enjoying them harder each year lol
    Ive become so used to seeing their leaves with serated holes in them I hadnt taken notice of those delicious curved 'quilty' veins!

  2. Lovely photos--my favorite is the lime green leaves against the bark. I love walking and shooting photos--never get up to aerobic speed that way, though. Mine don't turn out like yours--but I'll keep trying.

  3. Beautiful pictures, Marija!!! Thanks for sharing them- it does brighten the day as I sit here staring out at the snow on the ground....

  4. Great photos and cute dog!
