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Monday, November 4, 2013

Love and motivation from the blogosphere and a giveaway winner

Hi everyone,

well - the first thing I have to say is HUUUUGE THANK YOU for all your great comments, compliments, support and ideas about my blog! You all are just so, so wonderful!!

In terms of what you liked the best from my suggestions, Tuesday Each-one-teach-one  won by a big margin, but others were liked too. So guess what? - I will try to do them all! :) 
Let's  start with some good basic tips tomorrow - so stay tuned! 
But today is Monday and to "beat the Monday blues" I can share some beautiful eye candy that I had this weekend: I was invited to do a demo during a lovely biannual Quilt show presented by Kennan Quilters Guild of Lockport, NY
This was my lovely view as I was getting ready for the demo - total inspiration! I had great time doing the demo (it was on 3D Flying Geese block and some holiday projects, all of which you can find in my tutorials - see the new tutorials tab on the top of the page!)
But of course I had plenty of time to browse the show and shop with vendors!
Look at this beauty od one by Debbie (hope you can see the sign below?)

And another one of Debbie's - beautiful!

I just love this scrap beauty! 

Fall colors on black - one of my favorite color combinations! 
However, by far my biggest thrill was to see one of my former student's work all done and proudly displayed and so beautiful!!! Mary Ann took a class with me on easy Bargello quilt with color gradation fabric (just like the quilt I blogged about in the previous post, for the Bloggers Quilt Festival!) and look at the result:

Isn't it beautiful!? It is just so thrilling and inspiring to see my student's work!! I will have to do another post about this class that Mary Annwas in, because it was amazing and there were so many gorgeous works in progress, you wil love it. :)
Of course I had to shop a bit with all local quilt shop gals and was so thrilled to see some good friends even from a it further - girls from the beautiful Quilter's Corner from Ithaca were there too! Aren't they just cute?

To top off all the fun I had, as we were driving back home, day was chilly but full of autumn glory and Lockport is such a lovely old town:
I love fall.
So how is this for beating the Monday blues? Are you inspired yet? :)

More importantly - you didn't think I forgot, did you? - who is the lucky giveaway winner?
Once again I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the lovely comments and for visiting my blog! I wish everyone can be a winner, but Mr. Random number generator said:
And that is....DRUMROLL PLEASE! - LORI !!!
Congratulations Lori!!!

I want to thank you ALL once more for spending time with me here, for all your wonderful comments and for helping me be a better blogger!
I also learned something new today (yay!) - how to place the links for all the tutorials I did so far on one page! Click on the Tutorials tab on the top of the page and you will find them there! New tutorials will be added as they come. Let me know if this works for you and if it helps!

Have a lovely week ahead,

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