My blog pages

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Quilter's Blog Hop Party time!!

YES - it is that time again! 
Time to get hopping from blog to blog, share our creativity, inspirations, good tips and of course, have some goodies to give away! Time for Quilter's Blog Hop Party hosted by wonderful Michelle of Quilting Gallery .
I don't know about you, but for me this quilting blogospere became yet another wonderful community, almost like a giant, international quilting guild, where we visit, chat, share, learn and get inspired by one another - how wonderful is that!? :)
So this Blog Hop Party's name - GIVING THANKS - is just perfect in my book! 
Because I am really thankful to be able to do this, to have you all visit my blog and spend some of your precious time with me and to get to know you by chatting or visiting your blogs. It is just awesome. 
So - I thought about this one hard and decided that the best way to be thankful is to give back (well, that is a no-brainer, right? :)  ) However, I also thought about WHAT I want to give - something that I am passionate about, something that will inspire you and something that will be fun. OK - packaging all that into just ONE giveaway is not that is one to do...? Have multiple giveaways of course! And thrown in some tutorials too, for good measure - right? 

Here are my three giveaways for this party:

1. I love, love, love fabric (well, DUH...), I am passionate about machine quilting and I would really like to be better in documenting my quilts and organize them - so this one has:
- a set of beautiful fabrics - medium print, large print and border fabric (1 yard of each) and fat quarter of accent color
- great cotton variegated thread (King Tut by Sue Nickels)
- quilters calendar with lots of inspiring photos and space to write

 2. I love reading fiction that involves quilters, quilting history or everyday life, one of my favorite color is sage green and I love accenting motifs in fabric with a good thread when machine quilting - so this one has:
-"The Guild in the Granary" - a wonderful fiction book for some relaxing time
- beautiful fabrics - green, butterflies, great details, metallic accents... (1 yard)
- beautiful metallic, variegated green thread (YLI) to accent this fabroc with some machine quilting

 3. I love variegated thread, I am always looking for new ideas and motifs to machine quilt and I love when fabric itself inspires me how to quilt it - so this one has:
- Great book with many, many machine quilting motifs by one of the best machine quilting teachers, Sue Nickels and her sister Pat Holly
- fabric with such intertesting paisley motifs
- coordinating variegated thread to go with it

Hope you like it!!

Now - how do you get a chance to win one of these? 

Simply leave a comment to THIS post, from today (Nov 21st) until Tuesday, Nov 26th (midnight) and tell me something about how you QUILT your quilts! Do you love machine or hand quilting, do you do more regular or free-motion quilting, what would you like to learn or do more, what is the hardest part for you? Anything! Lets chat! :)

If you find this blog interesting and think it's worth following or if you like to chat on Facebook and like my page - I am so very honored and grateful, so let me know in separate comment as additional chance to win!

I can't wait to read your comments, share some fun tutorials with you during this Blog Hop Party and visit all other wonderful participating blogs - let the fun begin!

Wishing you a wonderful Thursday,


  1. I read your blog all the time, and enjoy doing it. Don't follow a lot of blogs but have a list of my own that I go to. I started quilting by hand and always thought it really wasn't a quilt if it was done on the machine. Well time and age have changed my mind! (wink**). Most of my things lately have been small items and I really enjoy FMOing. Am now working on a Christmas tree skirt,(well I need 3 of them) but have a funny feeling they will not get finished in time. Story of my life!! Take Care and Thanks!!

  2. I love hand quilting. Currently working on a bed size pieced quilt. I would like to learn paper piecing.

  3. I have only recently begun to seriously improve my free motion skills. Most of the quilts I've completed are huge and have been quilted by my friends with long arm machines.

  4. I made graduation quilts for my nieces and nephew twelve + years ago and hand quilted all of them. In all I have probably hand quilted at least a dozen bed size quilts. I currently machine quilt my quilts because it doesn't take as long to complete. My biggest obstacle is deciding what kind of pattern to quilt and my FMQ skills definitely can use a lot of improvement. I am also now interested in trying my hand at making tote bags or zippered pouches, hope to get started on those projects after the holidays. Have a great day.

  5. Oh, I have been following you via GFC.

  6. I have been making quilts since 1992 but had always sent them to a long arm quilter. I did hand quilt two small wall hangings and loved it! Now, with the help of my penpal, I am practicing fmq so I can quilt my own quilts. I so want to be the one who quilts my quilts and not send them out anymore. I've been practicing hard and just finished a quilt and am ready to give it a try. Wish me luck!

  7. Heavens....thank you for this chance!!! I hand quilt all the time. That's why my customers come to me...I enjoy it. I am trying to learn FMQ; I bought a Tiara...I am learning. I just love quilting either way.

  8. I do my own quilting on my domestic machine. It's not the best, or heavily quilted, but I like for my quilts to be quilted by me :-) Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Wow, what awesome giveaways! I love hand and machine quilting. I'm learning free-motion, and enjoying that much more than I ever thought I would.

  10. Until this summer I quilted on my Bernina. Then I bought a Handi quilter and I love to long arm. I do fmq, one of these days I'll have to try a pattern but I love the freedom and swirls, circles and swishes. So much fun. Thanks.

  11. I do my own quilting but am just a beginner. I have lots of practicing to do but am having fun :) Thanks for a great giveaway.

  12. I am a follower by email. Thanks

  13. I do machine quilting. I have been learning how to free motion quilt during the past year. Need more practice but it is lots of fun. I bought a new machine that has a Bernina stitch regulator so I have been experimenting with free motion using it so my stitches are more uniform. It's fun to pick out patterns for free motion quilting. Thanks for the giveaway.

  14. I am learning FMQ and am loving it. Thanks for the giveaway

  15. I love quilting my quilts by machine and usually do a stippling or meandering. I have done some feathers and need to take the time to practice more. What a fantastic giveaway!!

  16. I love hand and machine quilting but hand quilting is hard on the joints so I tend to do more machine quilting on my domestic machine. I quite enjoy it. The hardest part for me is to actually get the basting done. Once that is done I move quickly! I really like the fabric and thread in the third set so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  17. Love this blog and LOVE YOU!! Free-motion, machine quilting all the way for me :-)

  18. Have just started using FMQ but still need a lot of practice. Been using regular machine quilting on my domestic.


  19. follower via email


  20. i have quilted for over forty years. all my quilts are hand pieced and hand quilted and given away or donated. i love paying it forward. i like all three but number one is my favorite.

  21. Great give aways. I had always hand quilted which isn't my favorite thing to do but I do love the end results and am now practicing machine quilting and am getting better at it all the time. So far I have been very happy with the machine quilting and will probably do more of it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  22. I am a follower I think. I think it went through.

  23. I love machine quilting but would like to learn hand quilting. I would also like to learn some new patterns to use.

  24. I follow you through google friends.

  25. I love hand quilting. To me they look the best. Because of time constraints I machine quilt mostly free motion.

  26. I free motion most of my quilts however I have hand quilted a smaller quilt and thoroughly enjoyed the time spent :)
    Thank you for the chance, you giveaways are lovely.

  27. I machine piece and free-motion quilt all my quilts on my vintage Singer. I am not very good at marking my quilt tops.

  28. I recently finished hand quilting a twin-sized quilt -- it took me months! So I am switching to machine quilting. I am gradually getting better at free motion quilting -- I am just doing simple loops or stippling for now.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. I am learning FMQ on my little home machine - with lots of tips from great bloggers. Thanks. I am here for the party! crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  30. At this point I am still hand quilting my creations I have been trying to learn to use the machine to do it but seem to be lacking in coordination when it comes to this skill and get very frustrated and frazzled and have to walk away. I will continue to try off and on to learn the skill of machine quilting however I an only take being defeated by inanimate objects a little at a time I know I should be smarter than that machine but it doesn't seem to know it. I enjoy the hand quilting and find it relaxing and It is not perfect by any means either but it makes me happy and it gets things finished. It also gives me family time as I can do it sitting around the telly with the DH.Thanks for the chance and reading my ramblings. I am following you my email, maybe I can learn a trick or two from you.

  31. I just entered my email to follow you! I try to quilt with my walking foot on smaller quilts. I love making quilts but am afraid to quilt them myself with my machine. I have a wonderful Bernia, but need guidance! Can't wait to lern how to meander! Doodle, etc. I have hand quilter a few quilts, but I have alot of little friends I would love to make quilts for that I could machine quilt.

  32. I am new at quilting i machine quilt never hand quilted but want to try it the hardest part for me is the actual quilting the layers really hard to keep them flat.

    cbrocious1984 AT gmail dot com

  33. like you on facebook and follow GFC

    cbrocious1984 AT gmail dot com

  34. I am learning FMQ and using my old sewing machine. Thanks. I am here for the party! crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  35. I'm not very good at actually quilting. I've made several smaller quilt tops and done stitch in the ditch and one free motion quilting. My larger quilt tops are still just flimsies. I've got two queen size and one twin size and I don't know how in the world I'm going to get them quilted. Having them quilted by a long arm quilter is too expensive for me. I'm planning on making a few more smaller quilts, like table toppers or throw quilts, and do some more FMQing on them. I'm still a beginner. I'm currently working on a Tumbling Leaves wall hanging that I want to get quilted before Thanksgiving. Thanks for the chance to win!

  36. Thanks for the giveaway! i want to learn FMQ)

  37. I machine quilt, but sometimes it is hard because it won't always fit under my machine but I keep truckin on. Thank you for all you do to inspire us to keep on sewing and quilting.

  38. Have only finished one quilt so far, which I machine quilted. I am too impatient to hand quilt. :) Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  39. I liked you on facebook :)

  40. Machine quilting, hand quilting takes way too long! Rulers, templates, with FMQ to fill it all in.

  41. I only hand quilt as I have not learnt the art of machine quilting which I would like to learn one day. Thank you for the giveaway.

  42. I'm definitely a machine quilter, I would never have the patience to quilt by hand, the binding alone is always a part that I dread, lol.
    Also, I'm slowly getting better at Free-motion. At first I only did the whole straight line quilting or quilt in the ditch thing, but then I bought myself a different machine last year and have started freemotion. I can do small pieces now with stippling and swirls and I'm definitely getting there slowly. :)
    Thanks for the chance to win! So many goodies up for grabs!

  43. How lovely. I quilt most myself in a free motion pattern...I want to do better...but I'm teaching it's slow going.

  44. i machine quilt all my quilts...recently upgraded to a apqs george...i love to sit sew and dream the day away...FMQ was what drew me to quilting to start with...i love the doodles

  45. I machine quilt with my home sewing machine. I'd love to learn to hand quilt. I need to practice more than I do.

  46. hope you get lots of replies and new followers xx I mostly hand quilt .. but do indulge in machine quilting occasionally x

  47. I am terrible at free motion quilting but it is getting a little easier.
    I love your site.

  48. Im sure I found you on a blog hop last year and I hung around when I saw just how informative and interesting your blog was myself, so hope others stumble in and stay too!
    Love the idea of there being a book with quilting in the storyline - hadnt seen any before!
    I follow you already and I prefer to hand quilt but thats only because Ive made smaller sized quilts, that might change when I get to stitching my double sized hexi cover!

  49. Wonderful prizes - thanks for the giveaway. I machine quilt & I'm trying to improve my FMQ. I get a teeny bit better with each quilt I finish.

  50. I'm a Bloglovin' follower & like you on FB too. Thanks again.

  51. I quilt with my loved machine and absolutely hate the binding :) Thanks so much for this great giveaway!

  52. I used to do a lot of hand quilting and started machine quilting a little over a year ago. For big quilts, I do send them out to be quilted but hope to be able to send them out to my sister soon. She bought a long arm.
    Thanks for the chance!

  53. I follow you via Bloglovin.

  54. I am a new long arm quilter and I use patterns. I have done some fmq but need to practice more. thank you for the amazing giveaway and the chance to win.

  55. I quilt small quilts on my sewing machine - usually just straight line stitching. Larger quilts go to my friend that has a long-arm. The hardest part for me is keeping the stitches uniform when I try FMQ. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! I love to read, too!

  56. What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you so much. I am a traditional quilter and I love hand quilting. It is very relaxing to me (plus I can watch TV while I am doing it). I have been trying to do big stitch quilting, but I keep having to take some of it out because my stitches get too small. I would like to learn how to quilt on the machine or do free motion quilting.Right now I am really intimadated by it, but one day I am definitely going to give it a try. Thanks again.

  57. thanks for the giveaways-beautiful- I am mostly a crafter but dabble in quilting with my daughter's help-- I still love hand sewing(learned sewing by hand as a little girl- a long time ago)

  58. I quilt my quilts by giving them to a professional... but I am attempting to hand quilt my swoon with perle cotton, we will see.

  59. I just liked your FB page & Pinterest! dfnanney@gmail,com

  60. I would love to learn to hand quilt as my machine quilting is simple straight lines...

  61. I am a new follower via gfc! I hand quilt all of my quilts using a variety of threads, really depends on the quilt. My dream is to one day own a long arm quilting machine and master free motion quilting. sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

  62. I like handquilting ,piece by piece, sewing by hand, The quilt grows under my hands, It's nice to see.But I also try meandering with the machine.

  63. I like free motion quilting and I do not love stitch in the ditch, because I always fall out of the ditch, lol.

  64. I followed you on Facebook! I like free motion quilting.

  65. I like machine quilting, but regular straight line quilting. Thanks for chance to win.

  66. Since I am still a beginner quilter, I have only tied or quilted by hand. I enjoy the hand quilting. I have attempted machine quilting, but am not very good at it other than outline or stitch in the ditch.

  67. Most of the time I use the same simple FMQ designs that I know how to make, but sometimes I add a stencil design. I am working on improving my FMQ skills. I have hand quilted a few projects and love the look and softness of hand quilting.

  68. This is my first Blog Hop! I'm so excited!! I machine quilt, and use free motion depending on the pattern of the quilt top or the amount of free space I have to fill.

  69. jist clicked "like" to follow you on facebook!



  72. I enjoy quilting by's relaxing.

    pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
    Pink Scissors Design on Etsy

  73. I followed you on bloglovin


  74. I am a "new"quilter - machine quilt and some hand quilting. I am wanting to learn to do free motion quilting!

  75. I am a beginning quilter, and so mainly stitch by machine... in the ditch and around the shapes and straight line. I hope to learn to fmq this year... I got a foot for my machine. I must make time to practice!

  76. I quilt usually by machine because it's faster. Have tried by hand but not so good at it. Never tried free motion before. The hardest thing for me is picking colors and designs of fabric. The giveaways are awesome. Thanks so much.

  77. Surely you jest. Your blog is definitely worth following. Liked you on FB, follow by e-mail and pinterest.

  78. I love machine quilting! I tried hand quilting once and I hated it. It just didn't turn out very well. I am too much of a FMQ girl!

  79. I handquilting and I`d love to improve my applique.

  80. I used to send all my quilts out to be quilted but a year or so ago I started doing my own free motion quilting and I love it. No, I'm not good at it. But that's not the important part to me. I just love doing it! :) blessings, marlene

  81. I follow by email.Thanks for the fun!

  82. I have just started machine quilting and am doing quilt as you go. I love this since once you finish up what you are working on, you are finished with the exception of the binding! Still haven't tried any free motion quilting...I'm a chicken.

  83. WoW! Nice giveaway prizes!! I handquilt and love it!! About a month ago I bought a free motion quilting foot for my sewing machine and those special quilting gloves but after trying it out and being totally unsuccessful, I am not rushing to give it another go!

  84. I love free motion machine quilting. The difficult part I have found in quilting is trying to manipulate the bulkiness of the quilt sandwhich. My arms get tired but I think most of that is my technique and posture! I love your give away!

  85. I enjoy the FMQ, but always have a tough time deciding what to quilt. I would love to learn more about quilting designs for tricky spots.

  86. I free motion but need to work on being more relaxed about it. I follow you via blovlovin'.

  87. I like to do free motion quilting, but I stick to smaller projects when I do it, because I'm not very good at wrestling the big quilt sandwich. I do a combination of stitch in the ditch and hand quilting for larger quilts. Thanks for sharing your stash and your inspiring blog!

  88. I do hand quilting. I had to learn to write & quilt again after a stroke. I am so thankful that I can hold a needle and quilt again. (My stitches are not as small anymore, but they are mostly equal!). I would love to learn/do FMQ. but it scares me! Maybe someday! I follow by e-mail. Thanks for the chance to win!


  89. Most of my quilts are sent out to be quilted. Thanks for the giveaway.

  90. I love hand quilting but as I age and get some arthritis, I am trying to learn some machine quilting.

  91. I like to do free motion quilting, sometimes using variegated thread -- which I love. I would some day like to learn to do feathers, which to date has totally eluded me! Thanks for the wonderful giveaways.

  92. My favourite is hand quilting and I'll always love it the most, but I just took a class on free-motion quilting so I'm going to be experimenting for a while. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to visit your blog.

  93. I hand quilt. And when I domt, I machine quilt but I definitely need to practice FMQ. Im too scared to mess it all up. Ive comquered Paper Piecing and that makes me feel very proud! Thank you for the giveaway!

  94. I hand and machi e quilt. I have a longarm machine that I have not used in almost a year due to a move and then back surgery. Hope zi can get back to it soon but I have another move coming up. :(. I really need that fabric from your giveaway number one, I have been looking for some of it for a year so I will just have to keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for the chance.

  95. I am fairly new to quilting and so far have only done straight line quilting on my small machine. I am doing some small practice pieces with leftovers as I really want to learn how to do FMQ. I occasionally hand quilt small things too as I love hand sewing. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  96. I machine quilt, usually simple straight lines!

  97. I am following your Facebook page.

  98. I hand and machine quilt. I need a lot more practice on FMQ. Although I have done some. It isn't very good and is very irregular in appearance. I mostly stick with straight line quilting. Thank you for the chance to enter your delicious giveaway.

  99. I machine quilt my own but only straight line or spiral - I'd love to do feathers and swirls!

  100. I have only quilted a small wall hanging. I am working on a small quilt for my grandson and plan on trying to quilt it on my machine. Notice I said try.......

  101. Well I am still pretty new to the FMQ thing, but I try and like it. I just have the ole regular sewing machine and use it for everything. I do a little hand stuff, but not a whole lot. I would love to just have more time to do a lot of things. I actually just got an embroidery machine and would like to use it to make some cool quilts!

  102. I love to free motion quilt on my domestic machine- some day I would like to do more detailed quilting and try feathers and such with my machine. Thanks for participating in the blog hop- your winners will love your prizes.
    Regards from Alberta,

  103. I also follow you on your facebook page. Thanks for sharing your love of fabric and creative ideas with others.
    Regards from Alberta, Canada,

  104. I have only machine quilted, and not very well at that. I'm rather a newbie having only made 2 quilts so far. Have a few tops started, but not anywhere near finished yet. I have only done straight line quilting, no free motion yet.
    My hardest thing is finding the time, and energy, to actually quilt anymore.

  105. I already Like and follow you on Facebook

  106. This is my first "blog hop" -- I love quilting and fabric. My stash is large, even though I don't have a lot of projects finished. I have hand-quilted and machine quilted; however, I'd like to learn more about making it easier to machine quilt - on my own machine. I'd love to get started with the beautiful fabrics and book you have here as prize. Thank you!!

  107. Wow! Three fantastic giveaways! I mostly do free motion or straight line quilting on my regular machine. Occasionally I will do a bit of hand quilting on a small piece. I have plans to hand quilt my grandmother's flower garden quilt once it is pieced. And I have a long arm machine that I purchased used which I haven't been able to get working due to tension issues and no one to help me solve them. Boo...

  108. I have hand quilted and machine quilted. Do more by machine these days..straight line mostly. Need more practice on free motion.

  109. I haven't mastered free motion quilting yet! I do alot of straight line quilting and the lines have gradually become - straight!

  110. A quilt was recently finished and a label was put on the back. I think it will best answer your question about my quilting. I have included it for you to read. I would like to learn to be a more confident long-arm quilter without the consistant hesitation regarding perfection.
    The daughter who is now grown and living in Alaska started to form and sew the first octagons in this quilt. She was once a bright-eyed little girl who learned to stitch as she watched her mother and two grandmothers sew beautiful pieces of material together that sometimes functioned to cover them at night or clothe them thru the day. The pieces of fabric used in this quilt came from family members and friends, who have touched one of these 4 women’s lives. They came from clothing made for children or scraps from other projects and some pieces were pulled from the depths of a sewing room making the origin unknown. As time passed the octagons were added but the process had slowed. Eventually, it was sent from Alaska to Pennsylvania where the Mother continued to join octagons that she had collected, continuing the process of sewing each one by hand. When the quilt was believed to be large enough, it was sent back to the daughter in Alaska to have a border fabric added and for the quilting stage. As the years passed, the border was added and the quilting started. A compilation of quilting styles have been used from the simple knot stitch, she learned from her father’s mother (Gram); to a hand stitch, she learned from her mother’s mother (Grandma); to a regular sewing machine stitch and finally to a long-arm machine stitch, which is the method the daughter uses today. The quilt again makes its way from Alaska to Pennsylvania for the final hand stitched areas and the binding process that seals all the layers together. Throughout, the making of this quilt both Mother and Daughter have felt the watchful eyes from heaven beaming with pride as this beautiful tapestry of life is continued.

  111. I am new to longarm quilting and would love to win the book on quilt motifs. I am having fun on my Avante.

  112. I love hand-quilting, but don`t have the patience for it, anymore. Too many ideas for other projects, too little time. So now I mostly do machine-quilting. I`d love to be more adventurous, with free motion.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  113. I joined your blog and I love your offers for give-away6 don't know which one I would like more, anyone I guess is as good! Thanks for chance!

  114. When am home, I do free-motion or stitch in a ditch, depends... When I am a passenger in the car, plane or ship I do hand quilting! Still learning to make nice curves in feathers. Have a desire to edit my own book in two languages English-Russian (may be more, than one) but still don't know what to start with. Hopefully one day I will!

  115. Hi there, I am a beginner quilter. I tried machine quilting on the first small quilt I made and found it very easy to do so it stuck! Thanks for the chance to win, I love your prizes!

  116. I hand & machine quilt depending on the project. I do a lot of straight line machine & am working on getting better at free motion quilting. Thanks for a great Giveaway!

  117. i don't do anything by hand, if my little Brother can't do it it doesn't get done, i use a walking foot or work on my free motion quilting, i don't worry if i'm good or not i just go for it. lol

  118. I am a new quilt and have mostly done machine. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  119. I have no patience for hand quilting, My Mom did all the hand quilting for me when she was here... I started out free motion on my sewing machine and after sore shoulders, bought a mid arm,, and then a long arm.. and I LOVE IT, I have the best time... Most of my quilts are for my charity group which is great for practicing just wish I had a good teacher in this are for free motion..

  120. Truth is I have several finished pieced tops that I don't know how to quilt. I want to learn & have been doing research on the best way.

  121. I began to follow your blog & FB page. Can't wait to learn from you.

  122. I like hand piecing and quilting. Sometimes I have trouble with the binding.

  123. I machine quilt all my projects. I am a straight line quilter for the most part, someday I hope to progress to free motion but not yet. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway(s).

  124. My passion is landscape quilting. I like to play with texture and do everything I can using my machine. I try to create my own patterns, but I love to learn from others. I teach composition and literature during the day and quilt whenever I can.

  125. I am so inspired by reading blogs to see how others approach their quilting. I love handwork but machine quilting brings so many possibilities. My biggest challenge is to master freehand quilting and ruler work on my long arm. Practice helps but imagination and inspiration is essential!

  126. You have a new follower by email. I think I can get so much from your blog.

  127. I am very new to machine quilting my own quilts but had to learn to do it or I wouldn't be able to afford to quilt. I am enjoying it but need to learn so much more about the process.

  128. I machine quilt my own quilts on a domestic machine. I've used stencils, paper patterns, FMQ, stitch in the ditch (usually just to stabilize anymore) and am always looking for fresh ideas. I have a lot of fun quilting but really need to discipline myself to plan the whole quilt before starting. They usually turn out alright though. Thanks for the great giveaways. svonfumetti(at)yahoo(dot)com

  129. I love quilting by hand. I am trying applique and like it. Thanks for the chance!

  130. I machine quilt all of my quilts using free motion quilting and line design quilting. I love learning new free motion quilting designs. Love your giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

  131. I try to do al sorts of quilting, but the freemotion is difficult. I practice and hope one day I quilt a beautiful quilt this way.
    Thank you for the chance to win the lovely giveaways.

  132. I tried to fmq for the first time last night. It is so fun!

  133. I usually free motion my quilts, I am trying to break out of just doing meandering though.

  134. I follow your blog through bloglovin already

  135. I love the third packaging your giveaway. Machine quilting is something I struggle with getting in my comfort zone with. I need to practice more:)

  136. I also follow you via bloglovin and GFC

  137. Thank you for the lovely giveaway. I haven't done much machine quilting for lack of knowledge and the quilts I have made have been quilted by hand, which I find difficult because I hate wearing thimbles.

  138. Great giveaway items! I machine quilt my items on my small home machine. I was a straight-lines only quilter until pretty recently, but I am steadily learning to FMQ. It's all a learning experience!

  139. My goal is to quilt all my own quilts with FMQ, and since I usually make large projects it is a challenge! Lately I have done Baptist fans and feathers.

  140. great giveaway. thanks for a chance. I sort of do all kinds of quilting, machine and hand. It just depends on the quilt and how big it is. I would love to be able to machine quilt big circles on a quilt without them being all wobbly looking.

  141. Sad to say but my flimsies are sitting in a pile!

  142. Love your question and reading the responses. I used to hand quilt but now machine on home machine. I do straight line first to keep it straight, then fill in with free motion to match the design. I love repetitive line. It's hard to quilt a bed size in one piece so I break it down, quilt, then rejoin. LeeAnna Paylor

  143. WoW! Awesome giveaways! Most of my quilting has been stitch in the ditch. I would love to learn how to do FMQ and I guess I just need to practice. I do alot of hand piecing and really want to learn how to hand quilt.

    Thank you for a super generous giveaway and a chance to win.


  144. I'm a follower of yours on FB.

    Thanks again for a chance to win.


  145. I machine quilt and mostly regular quilting altho I'd love to learn free motion.

  146. I sew by machine the quilt tops for my Yahoo group, World of Charity Stitching; another member does the actual quilting.

  147. I want to learn free motion quilting from someone in person...tried books and tuts and just cannot get it done the way that pleases me. Thanks for the giveaway...generous person that you are!

  148. I Love Both Hand Quilting And Free Motion Quilting.My Hand Quilting Is Much Better Than The FMQ, But It Is Improving Greatly Over The Last Two Years With SewCalGal FMQ Challenges.

  149. I love doing handwork, but do machine quilting to save my hands. I'm now doing machine quilting on my regular machine, but need lots of practice.

  150. I have also liked your page in an effort to learn some FMQ tips

  151. I like to free motion or straight line. My free motion is very basic, and I'd really really love to expand upon it and learn new designs, but I'm a chicken so far!! I need to just buck up and do it :)

  152. what lovely giveaways-thanks so much for the chance.
    I love hand quilting the best-but I am so slow at it, and I haven't been comfortable trying to quilt on my sewing machine-so need to learn more about that so I will be happier with the results.

  153. I love the friendliness of your blog already so I am off to follow you-you are most welcome to stop by my blog and say hi

  154. I love hand quilting, I also do machine quilting, and sometimes mix the two! I use my domestic machine for quilting but I have a king quilt on my bucket list so I may rent time on a longarm for that. I tried out a longarm recently in a show but it felt very mechanical.

  155. For a long time I stuck to straight-line quilting, but I'm loving free-motion now that I've finally taken the plunge. I really want to become more proficient there. Especially with different motifs. But I also enjoy hand-quilting. I don't do the teeny-tiny stitches I once did, but hand-quilting with perle cotton really makes a statement. Thanks for the chance to win one of your fabulous giveaways.

  156. I just started some free motion and I am not very good at :( but I think I will keep trying because that's the only way to learn! Thanks for the chance to win

  157. And I liked your page on FB. Thanks again!

  158. I like to hand quilt. Machine quilting is a skill I definitely could use some help mastering! I have a hard time machine quilting any type of free motion design.

  159. Follow you on BlogLovin & like you on fb: Nicole Sender.

  160. I too am a passionate free motion quilter and have been for many years. I have recently bought a new sewing machine especially for FMQ, an Elna eXcellence 720 and I am sooo in love with it. It stitches beautifully - in ALL directions!! I have so many projects in my bucket list that there is no time for hand quilting! Thank you for a chance to win one of your very generous giveaways.

  161. Hi! I'm Mariana from Portugal and I made my first quilt after my first girl was born. I like my quilts with brigth colors and simple prints but with lots of pieces to play! I also like tu use applique and I am making a dear jane quilt that I belive will take all my life to get done! I also have a crush on variegated thread and have quilted some quilts with it. I also like to use more than one color to make my quilting. For me the most difficult thing is to make the free motion quilting! Usually I end up making the round quilting motifs by hand!

  162. I like machine quilting, I an building up the courage to start free-motion quilting. Thank you for a chance to win your fabulous giveaway

  163. Like you I love to machine quilt, usually freemotion. At the moment I'm trying my hand at feathers. There are some great tutorials around.

  164. I prefer straight line quilting. :)
    I love your blog.

  165. I am into machine quilting. I am just starting to get into FMQing. So much fun!!

  166. I am going to start learning how to do FMQ. I'm really excited to make something pretty! Thanks for the chance to win your awesome giveaway!

  167. I was intimidated by the quilting stage but have learned to really enjoy quilting with my walking foot over the last year and in 2014 I want to experiment with FMQ and hand quilting. Thank you for your generous giveaway!

  168. I used to hand quilt but carpal tunnel got that messed up so switched to FMQ on machine,which I love. I also love to read and of course am addicted to fabrics-but only the ones that I can pet!

  169. I have an Innova longarm for my quilting. Use it more for other people's quilts than for mine so far. Need to work on that. The novel looks good. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  170. I do mostly not FMQ quilting --- I enjoy the occasional hand quitling project - if I had more space I would liek a frame and do one project a year or so... I think Iwould like to elran more about drafting quilting patterns, based on welsh quilts but then do the quilting by machine ...

  171. I am still fairly new at quilting. So far each quilt has been different. The first was hand pieced and then tied (no sewing machine at the time). The next was machine pieced, hand quilted. Then, machine pieced, maching quilted(straight lines) and the last one was machine pieced and my first attempt at free motion. So far I don't have a preference, they all have benefits and draw backs. Thanks for the chance at your lovely giveaways.

  172. I am quilting my mid-sized quilts with my embroidery module. It is an interesting way of quilting. Most people are amazed. But my module is like a small Statler Stitcher. So much fun.

  173. I like quilting by machine - I did one by hand and didn't enjoy it much. Quilting by machine is more my speed!

  174. I already follow you on facebook

  175. I am really new at free motion quilting, but I am working on it. I some times tie my quilts like my Granny did, cause thats what my kids like. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  176. What beautiful prizes. Thanks for the chance to win.

    I generally end up stitching in the ditch or doing echo stitching by machine. I hope to eventually branch out into some free motion but the actual quilting is my least favourite part of the process so I'm usually in a bit of a hurry to finish.


  177. I like to read about Quilts too. I prefer Free-Motion but have the hardest time DECIDING WHAT TO QUILT on my quilts. Stitch in the ditch is HARD to do on my Midarm. Hoping for a BIG Longarm under my Christmas Tree this year!

  178. I love to do free-motion quilting on my HQ16. Thanks for the chance for the lovely giveaway!
