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Monday, December 9, 2013

Beating the Monday Blues

Hi everyone,

Monday is upon us again! For me, it is kind of a quiet one, since I had a fabulous weekend participating in Artists in Buffalo Holiday Open House, with my quilts!
It was three days of talking about quilts, art, stitching, how it is done, why I like it and all that and yes - even selling a few of my creations! Can one ask for anything more? :)
Artists in Buffalo is a great organization that I belong to, and Holiday Open House is a large event and growing every year. It has multiple locations and I am among very lucky ones to be in the home of Chatham Pottery Studio , a beautiful stone mansion.
So here is how my display looked like:

 My lovely youngest child, my son Vuk, who was helping me set up also brought this beautiful orchid later to decorate my table - lucky me! :)
Next to me was my friend Janet Ide with her new creative endeavor - all things hand-made for baby, with focus on cloth diapers!  Yes, you read right - cloth diapers! They are coming back for so many reasons but in a new, 21st century edition - these are not your grandma's cloth diapers! They are all-in-one, easy to use, comfortable for the baby and new parent's budget too - not to mention planet! Just look how cute:
 Here is how it works:
 Loved the sock-monkeys!
 These elephants were my favorite:

 Although baby-fashionista set (diaper and changing pad) is just too darn cute:
 So are you intrigued or want to know more? Here is Janet's brand new Etsy site, Artisan Garden where you can see more and even order some!
And here are few more artists - Cathrine Gillespie of Chatham Pottery:

Molly Flynn's jewelry and journals:

Anne Keating scarves and photography:

And beautiful watercolor creations - on paper and fabric! -by Mary Flynn of Back of the Moon Watercolors
 Of course, I had to shop a bit too - this beautiful pillow called my name:
Just love it!
I wish I took more photos but it was quite a busy time too! What I loved the most was how interested people were in quilts, how they are made, how they can be used for many things and not just as bed covers. Many young women interested and intrigued too - yay!
All in all, it was a very inspiring weekend! Hope you enjoyed these few photos of it. :)
Now on to holidays in earnest - planning for presents, more gatherings with friends,  cards and other fun stuff!
wishing you a lovely week ahead,

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is wonderful ! I' gone through 2 years worth tonight and marvel at your creativity in quilts and photos. I'm only that creative in my head. I guess I'll just have to try more.
    Caroline in Maryland
