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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Take me out to the...QUILT SHOW!

Hi everyone,

I hope you are enjoying spring in your area?
My camera was clicking and heart singing together with birds and some early beauties.
Morning dew..
 Color, beautiful color!
 This red-wing black bird was really posing for me... :)
 Did I mention color? :)
These are my neighbor's miniature irises - just so pretty! (note to self: get some this fall!)

 I just love crocuses:

However, April in western NY can be a bit tricky - this is what is going on this morning:
yes, you saw that right - it's snow...But, it is just a quick and last kick of winter and we will just "Keep Calm and Smile ON" - as British would say,  and my Marley would do:
He has the best smile and pose, doesn't he? Love this boy. :)

Wait - didn't I say QUILT SHOW?  Well of course! April in even number years means - it's quilt show time for Amherst Quilters Guild! Woo-hooo!
Yours truly had a pleasure of working on quilt show set-up with many friends that came to help - lots of work but also lots of fun! So we went from this:

To THIS! - in two days of sorting, hanging, changing places, and yes - just plain admiring and stroking all these beautiful quilts. (hey, it's a perk of the job! )
 Garments and antique quilts too:
 miniature quilts that were auctioned on Sunday:
Quilts of modern design (much more about that later!)
 And classic beauties, like this one:
Scrap-quilts mastery:

Embellishment mastery:

 (somehow I failed to take a photo of the label for the quilt above - it was made by quilter and teacher extraordinaire, Mary Ellen Cannon!)

Beautiful color choices:

Amazing, isn't it? Aren't quilt shows the best?
There is so much inspiration, novel ideas, "a-ha" moments when you see what other quilters did...and best of all - meeting everyone, chatting, seeing old friends and making new ones!
I will stop here and keep more eye candy for the next day...

Tell me, do you love going to quilt shows? Do you have many in your area? 
Any particular favorites from these above? What grabs your eye, or heart?

Have a wonderful Tuesday,


  1. a beautiful show .. of flowers and quilts xx .. not forgetting the beautiful smile from Marley xxx

  2. So nice to revisit the show while sitting back and relaxing. I saw things I completely missed when I was there! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see round 2 tomorrow.

  3. I agree Robi! Nice to review the amazing assortment of talents!

  4. I love going to quilt shows. Seeing the talent, skill, and creativity is both awesome and inspiring. I live in Avon NY, south of Rochester, and we have many wonderful shows, both large and small. I've also had the good fortune to stumble across some great quilt shows while traveling. My husband even enjoys them on the few occasions when he has joined me at a show.
    Thanks for the tour of the Amherst show. Some year I'll make it there.

  5. Beautiful flower pictures!
    Thanks for the glimpses of the show!! I was very sorry I had to miss this one this time.
