My blog pages

Monday, December 19, 2011

Blog Hop Giveaway winners!!!

Blog Hop Giveaway winners!!!

 Good Monday morning everyone!!   You probably thought I fell of the face of the earth, didn't you? No...just stupid, bad cold!! AAACK!! And in this time when there is so much to do!! So playing catch-up and FAST here... :(

So, I apologize for no projects in these past few days and promise to be back with one tomorrow! :)

But now, on to more important thing - DRAWING OF ALL THE PRIZES FROM THE BLOG HOP!!!

So, I feel really bad for being late and all, and while I was pondering how to make it all dawned on me - GIVE AWAY MORE PRIZES!! YEAH!!   I am so overwhelmed and honored with all of your kind and great comments and fact that you were visiting, following, "Like"-ing my page on Facebook - what better way to show my appreciation than with more presents!!
Took pictures of prizes, went for the Random number generator ( ) and - VOILA!!!
(I just want to say that EVERYONE who commented from Dec. 9 until last night (Dec. 18) was entered in the drawing - total of 185 comments (HOORAY!) - numbers (1-185) were assigned starting from the very first comment and on).
Scroll down to see it all!!  

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL WINNERS - I am delighted to send you one extra present for the Holidays!! Just send me your information and packages will be in the mail tomorrow!!

First winner of this book full of different techniques is:

  - Number 19 - QUILTING MAMA!! 
Quilting Mama said... Would love to win your generous giveaway! Those books look amazing.    
Second winner of this set of floral fabrics is:    

- Number 34 - Quilting "b"!!!  

Quilting "b" said... Great Giveaway... Thank you and Merry Christmas  

Third winner of set of floral fabrics is:

- Number 120 - Wendy fromDahlward Quilting!!! 

Dahlward Quilting said... Great blog and great give away. saw you on the yahoo groups. Thanks for letting us know. Wendy from Dahlward Quilting Services. Have a very Merry Christmas.        

Fourth winner of this set of fabrics and a pattern is:

- Number 139 - Sue Daurio!!!

Sue Daurio said... Love your holiday projects. The snowman in the window is just adorable!! Thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway  

  Winner of the Special Drawing (one on Lucky Day 13) , another copy of Visual Coloring by Joen Wolfrom is:

- Number 4 - Melody!!!! 

Melody said... OK this is tough because I love most of them but my favorites .....hmmmm...... OK probably the Holiday Window is my favorite, the basket full of flowers table runner and the dear santa cardholder. You have some wonderful ideas  

 AND - the winner of the original, let's call it Grand Prize, :)   is:

drum-roll here please.....    

Number 75 - JENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Jenny said... we often talk about Joen Wolfrom and her amazing use of color at our quilt guild. id love to win your prize, thanks for a chance...

Again - CONGRATULATIONS to all winners and happy, healthy and  joyful Holidays to all!!!



  1. oh my goodness! i cannot believe my good luck!
    what an amazing prize to win!! thank you so much!

  2. Congratulations.....some of your are really on a winning streak!

  3. OMG How wonderful. That's a perfect present. Thank you so much Marija! My mother was born on Friday the 13th so I've always considered it a lucky day.
