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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Festival of small projects - Day 15


Good Thursday morning to all!

It is quite a dreary one here in Buffalo - rain, wind and gray skies...yuck. I swear, our outside-loving, always-for-a-walk dog Marley got this depressed look on his pretty face when I opened the door this morning, as if he was saying "oh no...rain+wind=no walk for me today!" I wish I took a picture! Poor baby... :)

I have to say it AGAIN - I am so thrilled and honored that you like the projects - thank you so much!! Loved reading what are your favorites! After counting the votes, I am happy to say that they were spread among almost all of the projects (I am so thrilled there is something for everyone!!) but HOLIDAY WINDOWS was the most favorite with twice the votes than any other! That is so great!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR COMMENTS - I can't wait to draw winners for BOTH giveaways on Sunday!!!
So, since lots of you liked Holiday Windows, I decided last night that today's project will be actually just another idea for the similar pattern!

Let's say you really, really wanted some Snowmen panel, images, etc. but just can't find any right now....MAKE YOUR OWN!! Seriously! It really isn't that hard and NO, you don't need special artistic, drawing skills! Look at this:

Three cute Snowman, peaking into your window, waiting for you to come out and play!! :)

To make this - everyhting would be the same as in Holiday Windows tutorial, except:

- cut our window panes from some "snowy" print, squares or rectangles, as big as you want them (no worrying about panel pictures here!)
- before you go ahead to add side and bottom strips to complete window panes, you would "decorate" those squares (or rectangles) with some Snowmen faces! I used fusible applique for mine. To have a nice circle for the heads - just place an appropriate size plate down on fabric, as a template! Cutting out some small circles for eyes and buttons should not be a problem and noses are easy too!
- once you have your Snowmen fused down on widow panes, proceed with mitering corners and all the rest, just like in the Holiday Windows tutorial - how easy is that!!

Here is another one with more window panes:

I do have one of my own made (above ones are designs created in my EQ) and was going to show you a picture of it, except - I can't find it!! YEIKS!! I better go and find it now, for some last minute decorating...and to show you the photo of the real one! :)

Have a wonderful Thursday,


PS - BLOG HOP party is still ON - so comments get you a chance to win the giveaway! Follow my blog or "Like" my Facebook page for double or triple the chance!