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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Giveaway - a quick update

Time kinda run away from me again...
Between spring cleanings, garden awakenings, family and new quilting classes starting (classes that I teach) - it is a classic case of "so many things - so little time"!! Oh, but what else is new, right?

However - I am definitely NOT complaining, specially since I actually managed to "sneak-in" a wonderful few hours in the early (very early!) Sunday morning to loose myself in a great reading...I don't know how I missed it so far, but Marie Bostwick and her series of novels about Cobbled Court Quilts (quilt shop), friendships and trials of every day life are wonderful and captivating - I highly recommend it!

I will definitely blog about it later, but now just to let you know - GIVEAWAY TIME IS EXTENDED!! Just go to my previous post and leave a comment - you have until Friday, May 11th to do it!!
Running now and wishing you a wonderful Tuesday,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maria,
    Thanks for your nice e-mail. Happy plantings.

    Madeline xo
