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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Giveaway winners!

Hello everyone,

first - I have to say a big THANK YOU to all who left me such wonderful comments and congratulations - you all made it even more special!!
I am really happy about my pattern being published, but that is not all - I really LOVE that it is in The Quilt Pattern Magazine, because of one big difference: in TQPM they publish pattern with minimal editing and let your personality and style shine - how amazing is that?!
One major reason I love it is that this pattern is exactly what I believe a pattern should be: besides the instructions, diagrams and cutting charts that tell you how to make it, it has also other possibilities, design alternatives and a ever-important question "What if...?"
Why do I love that - because it encourages YOUR creativity, YOUR ideas, pushes you to put YOUR own stamp on the project! That is what I strive to give all my students and that is the BIGGEST satisfaction, when I see them do it!

OK - no more waiting! The Random Number Generator said: numbers 8 and 23!!! That means two winners of the one years subscription of The Quilt Pattern Magazine are KarenG and huisei !!!
I will try to contact you two ladies via email (through your comments, but sometimes that doesn't work - so if you don't hear from me in a bit, please send me directly your emails so I can send you all necessary information about the subscription! Congrats again!

Now on to the Mother's Day brunch with the most important people in my life!! :)

To ALL women who love, nurture and care every day - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!


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